Courses and Resources for Teachers

Courses and Resources for Teachers
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Addressing Chronic Absenteeism with Creative Collaboration | Learners Edge

Addressing Chronic Absenteeism with Creative Collaboration
Course #
Graduate Credits
Grade Level
Chronic absenteeism is America’s “hidden educational crisis.” In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic absenteeism, defined as missing 10% of school days, has nearly doubled nationwide. Effects of chronic absenteeism include lower grades and achievement, increased risk of high school dropout, and poorer health and economic outcomes throughout life. The good news is when schools, communities, and families work together, they have the power to make a positive difference! Learn how to shift the conversation from punishment to partnership in this actionable course. Begin by investigating the data and impact of chronic absenteeism, and explore the underlying causes and systemic barriers preventing students from coming to school. Then, learn about foundational supports for all students, and specific research-backed, tiered interventions that get results, such as family engagement, home visits, and integrated school supports, and develop an action plan. This course will provide educators, support staff, and school and district leaders with a road map to address this critical issue and rebuild consistent attendance habits in your school community.
*No group discounts apply
Summer 2024 Fast Track
Registration Open: May 16, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024
Coursework Due: Aug 30, 2024
This course does not have a textbook
  • American College of Education
  • Andrews University
  • Augustana University
  • Concordia University, St. Paul
  • Greenville University
  • Lourdes University
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Roosevelt University